

What I meant to say was changing your ordinates (dimension that is). I was looking how to change an ordinate dimension's origin in VB but I found that there is no property for that. Rats. I came up with a side track to do it and I figured I would post it if you needed to reordinate also.

Private Sub SetOrdinateZeroPoint(ByVal sHandle As String, ByVal vPt As Variant)
'Changes an ordinate dims origin
'Arguments: sHandle - handle of dim entity
' vPt - variant point of new origin
'Example: Call SetOrdinateZeroPoint(acEnt.Handle, vPt1)
ThisDrawing.SendCommand "(setq dimEnt (entget (handent """ & sHandle & """)))" & vbCr
ThisDrawing.SendCommand "(entmod (subst '(10 " & vPt(0) & " " & vPt(1) & " 0.0) (assoc 10 dimEnt) dimEnt))" & vbCr
End Sub

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