
Lost My Ribbons

I am not too sure of this AutoCAD yet. It seems Autodesk has taken so many privileges with poorly chosen default settings, quirky UI behavior, unwarranted crashing, and odd screen refreshing and behavior. Anyway, I digress, I lost my ribbon bar when I had shut down and reopened AutoCAD. Why? Who knows. Anyway, I tried a few things but finally found my answer. It may not work for everyone, but typing in RIBBON at the commandline brought it back. Back to work.


Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I have my users set up the acad session the way they want to see it every time and eithor type WSSAVE or click on the workspace bar and select "Save Current As" and update the default profile. I found sometimes autocad gets lost in translation every once in awhile. we have had good luck with it so far, just an FYI.

JWalker said...

Thanks. I will remember this one and I appreciate your comment.